God has seasons when He delivers His people en masse. Psalm 68:7

God, when you went out before your people, when you marched through the desert, Selah.
-Psalm 68:7

God has seasons when He delivers His people en masse.

We are coming into one of them.

God is always leading us into new territory, breaking new ground.

But we have to follow Him

The church is a delivery and deliverance vehicle, for the world.

But we must participate, follow God.

God delivers His people, but there often is a delay.

The path to deliverance looks the opposite of what we were expecting.

We get free, but then we have to learn how to live in freedom.

Waiting and formation are part of God’s ways He transforms and grows people.

Wilderness wisdom

God, when you went out before your people, when you marched through the desert, Selah.
-Psalm 68:7

God is present and superior (preeminent) in the church. Without the presence of God and preeminence of God, the church is not authentic.

Christ is actively head and the superior. 

All who wander are not lost.

We might think or be told that our wanderings are wasted time and pointless, while all along; God has been with us, leading us, forming us, delivering us, and training us.
God, when you went out before your people,
when you marched through the desert, Selah.
-Ps 68:7

“Selah” might be placed here to say, pause and reflect before the next words.

And the next words are the earthquake and the rain.

What comes next after the long desert trek?


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